Thursday, July 14, 2011

To blog

Once again, I find myself inspired to start blogging. Days seem to roll by faster than they used to, the kids are growing, everything is changing (mostly us), and I want to capture more than a status update can provide.

I started writing songs again. There's so many reasons this is significant, which will probably be touched on in later posts. But yesterday I wrote a love song. It may be the first love song I've ever written. Married 11 years, 2 kids later, from 20 to 31, a lot changes. The lyrics go something like this:

Easy, is not what I'd call this
But easy, is not what I wanted anyway...And we're okay

We were young, Thought we'd never change, Thought our love would always stay the same, But should it...

Then I changed, You changed, Our god changed, And we grew older

Easy, is not what I'd call this
But easy, is not what I wanted anyway...And we're okay

I fight for you, You fight for me, When the bruises all heal, We both still have stars in our eyes...

Hope you can relate. Maybe I'll start recording stuff and posting.


  1. Can't wait to hear that. Wish I could write songs. Maybe we can sing together this winter? I've started practicing my fiddle again...

  2. @thirtydirtyfingers - I really hope we get the opportunity & can't wait to hear you play your fiddle!

    @studioelise - Thank you!
